[posted exactly as i found it the next day, after apparently passing out half way through]
<< november 6th, 2011 | 5:02 a.m. >>

maybe i haven't been writing anything lately because i haven't been doing anything but 9 to 5, metro, boulot, dodo, tu sais? not so much to write except about the after work drink where r. and i once again establish that we would be the perfect couple except for the fact that there is absolutely no chemistry between us.

so i organized "office-in-exile" drinks tonight so that we could all hang out again, and e. showed up with h. i guess i shouldn't be surprised. i'm pretty sure he is not allowed to hang out with me if she isn't there - partly because he didn't return my texts all week, despite our previous mutual need-for-a-smoke-sometimes agreement. anyway, as soon as she showed up, i'm sure it showed on my face that i was pissed, because, like, if there was ever anything that my face was good at hiding, it is certainly not things like that.

so after we left b&s, i pointedly didn't invite h. to join me as i went to p.g. to meet our coolest co-workers. all the married ladies. all the married ladies! anyway, the married ladies make awesome wingmen, because i think he really likes me,klm,llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll