yep definitely still drunk
<< november 6th, 2011 | 12:35 p.m. >>

last night, passed out, i dreamt about having a baby, except my dream started with the baby having just been born, and i didn't know who the father was, all i knew was that giving birth was a lot easier than i thought it would be. it was a bit awkward to call my parents and say, hey, i was pregnant, and guess what? the baby is already here! but i did, and when i introduced him to my dad and that doctor from grey's anatomy (thanks, dream!), my dad wasn't tactically cold or angry. and when i held him in my arms and he put his little face against my boob, i didn't feel panic or incompetence or even an urge to do anything other than keep holding and looking at what i was so completely enamoured with.

and then i had a stressed out dream about work, somehow involving liz hurley, then and i woke up, still drunk, wishing that i'd gone home with the scorpio i kissed at the club, who said he just wanted to take me home to cuddle and then we could play mini-golf on sunday, and he would drive me home. the way to a girl's heart.