\i have always been a storm //
<< march 6th, 2012 | 6:49 p.m. >>

i'm trying my hardest not to contact you. i feel like an addict, so i smoke more cigarettes to keep my fingers busy. your unexpected friendly response yesterday has me wondering: what exactly happened between us? are you aware of me over here pining? do you realize how much of a retreat i made on monday morning?

i want to put myself in your path, but i want you to seek me out. i want you to realize you can't fall asleep without me. i want you to want to make me happy, and what would make me happy is to have you in my bed tonight because i miss you.

trace your fingers down my spine, build me a fire, don't let me get up for anything, make the coffee in the morning, sleep in a ball under the covers, drive me crazy with your honesty, tenderly, aggressively, sweetly, sleepily, give me what i want.
ask me anything in return.