can you feel it? i am moving forward.
<< january 30th, 2011 | 4:31 p.m. >>

we are in a class together about the beginnings of the novel, up to dickens, and yesterday we watched five hours of tom jones to prepare for the exam. on friday i went home to his house from work. we stopped to kiss on a pedestrian street, and he dropped his bike to put his arms around me.

i went from his house to mine to shower to the university where he used his key to let us stake out the common room for our tom jones marathon, then he biked with me to work and kissed me goodbye.

half way through my shift there was no electricity in the large non-smoking section of the bar. i stocked it with candles, but people kept thinking it was closed. he came to see me - fourth time in a row - and we entered the abandoned room, dimly lit, and i leaned against the pool table and he put his hands on my waist and and and---

i'm not entirely sure what i feel for him, but it feels good and it feels different and it feels new.