acting like this, jutting my lip out like this when you can't even see me.
<< march 15th, 2012 | 11:15 p.m. >>

can i just tell you something? ok.. here it is. when you're not telling me you like me, pretty much all the time, i start to wonder if that is really the case. i used to be one of those girls who isn't insecure, who doesn't need to hear it all the time, who just knows that she is loved, and if not will still be ok, but i got hurt, a few different ways, and so now i do wonder, a lot. the thing is, i don't want to be like this. so if you could just tell me, once, that you really do like me-- not as a substitute, or to pass the time, or for sex, or as an emblem of the continent you hope to return to-- if you could just assure me, once, that you really do want to be with me, then i would believe you, and i could stop feeling like this.